[Hairstyle] Hairstyle Tips for Spring Season

Image Source: www.sheknows.com

Spring is the season of new beginnings and it's also the time to shake your winter-weary locks and let your hair down. Hair experts agree that spring is the perfect time to change your hairstyle. Because when sun-filled days stretch longer into the evening hours, a natural style is most flattering.

Here are some tips to remember when your going to change-up your hairstyle:

For Curly Hair

Image Source: www.hellousdaily.com

Skip the gel this season and apply an extra dose of smoothing oil or lightweight moose to give each curl a polished finish.

For Straight Hair

Image Source: xpressivebeautybuzz.blogspot.com

Toss your hairbrush this time and instead, apply a volumizing product to the roots of your hair to make it look lifted then blow dry your hair freely.

For Thick Hair

Image Source: www.beautyriot.com

The longer thick hair gets, the easier it is to handle since the weight forces it to behave. Additionally, when it’s long, you can easily pull it back off your face to create a full, party-ready bun or pony tail.

Always remember these tips and you're ready to go anywhere without worrying about your hairstyle. Enjoy the Spring season! ;)

Hair Stylist,

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