[DIY] Butterfly Twist Shirt Style

Image Source: diyfashion.about.com

Are you looking for a unique and affordable DIY that you can easily do? This butterfly twist shirt style is what you're looking for! It's perfect for spring fashion and you'll surely love this especially when your simple shirt transformed into a very sexy and chic top.

Things You Need To Prepare

You're going to need a wide shirt (it's okay if it is sleeveless), it should be a fabric that is light and stretchy. You'll also need a needle and thread for the finishing touch.

Step #1

Image Source: www.trashtocouture.com

Cut the shoulders and side seams of one side of the shirt and place them exactly on the other side. Both sides should be properly align to make it proportion.

Step #2

Image Source: www.trashtocouture.com

Twist the top side at the center until you see an "x" pattern. Basically all the way back around. (You can see the image above of the twisted side of the shirt)

Step #3

Image Source: www.trashtocouture.com

Pin the seams together and sew them carefully using your needle and thread.

You can do this DIY on all of your old wide shirts. You can also make it on a new fabric as long as you have a wide shirt pattern. Enjoy the spring break with this DIY and start to flaunt your sexy and flawless back! :)

Kstylick Editor: Jenny

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