[Fitness] Health Benefits of Milk

We began drinking milk since we were babies but our intake decreased as we got older. Some people fear that milk will add too much fat to their diet and others think that they don't need milk anymore.

Image Source: www.sheknows.com

So do we still need to drink milk as adults? The answer is yes and here are some benefits of milk that will get you to start drinking that glass of milk a day.

Healthy Bones and Teeth

Image Source: comfortdds.com

Milk is definitely a great source of calcium which is essentially important for having healthy bones. Young children and adults need to drink milk regularly to keep their bones strong and healthy.

Improve Muscles

Image Source: www.tiszaivandor.com

Drinking a glass of milk after you exercise gives your body what it needs to recovery. Milk also contains protein which helps you rebuild your muscles.

Decreases Stress

Image Source: jennroth.typepad.com

Milk is a great way to relax ourselves at the end of the day. A glass of warm milk will help relax tensed muscles and sooth frayed nerves.

Start a healthy living today and drink a glass of milk everyday! :)

Kstylick Editor: Jenny

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