[Perfume] Create A New Scent

Image Source: Designsponge.com
Making your own perfume allows you to customize your fragrance according to your mood, sense of style and personality. It is also a great opportunity to use natural products on your skin instead of those harmful chemicals. Here's a simple guide on how to create your own perfume from flowers, fruits and spices in a delightful blend.

Things You Need:
Jar with lid
Glass bottle with cork or cap
Almond oil
A Peel of Citrus Fruit
Whole Spices 


1. Pour sweet almond oil into the jar(approximately 1/2 cup should do). You can also use any oil with its own scent if you want to.

2. Choose the flower parts, fruits or spice you want for the fragrance you are making. Make sure that any of these ingredients are finely chopped up and bruised into small pieces. If you're going to use spices like vanilla beans or cinnamon, you should chop them into chunks.

3. Gather three cups of chopped plant parts into the sweet almond oil in the jar. Ensure that the oil is enough to cover the plant parts. Cover the jar with lid and shake it for a couple of minutes. Set the jar aside and let it stay in a warm dark place for a week.

4. Get a strainer over the top of the glass bottle and cover the strainer with a piece of cheesecloth. This will be the housing of your new perfume. If you don't have a cheesecloth, you can use any type of fine cotton material.

5. Pour the contents of the jar into the cheesecloth covering the strainer. Ensure that you get all the plant parts and oil out of the jar. Gather the edges of the fabric and squeeze it gently to get all the perfume fragrance into the bottle.

6. Set aside the cheesecloth and strainer aside. Then cover your glass bottle with a cork. Then your new perfume is good to go!

Kstylick Editor: Apple

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