First, you should prepare these things:
• 1 Hose clamp
• 2 Colors of ribbon
• Gold elastic
• 1 Large bead
• Scissors
• Glue
• Needle & thread
• Screwdriver
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Step 1
Adjust your hose clamp by loosening the screw at the top. Make sure that it's loose enough because it will get tighter as you wrap your ribbon and elastic around it.
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Step 2
Put a small drop of glue underneath the top of the hose clamp and attach the end of your ribbon that you'll be using for the main part of the ring.
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Step 3
Start wrapping your ribbon around the hose clamp and continue until you cover it completely then put a small drop of glue to attach the end of the ribbon.
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Step 4
Take your large bead, needle and thread. Go through the hole in the bead, around the top of the hose clamp, start running the needle and thread through the ribbon. Make at least 2 loops around to hold your bead and put a small drop of glue again on the top of the ring to secure your large bead.
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Step 5
Use your second ribbon and fold it in half longways. Place a small drop of glue on the side of your ring and attach the end of the ribbon. Start wrapping your ribbon around the top of your ring and when you're finished put another small drop of clue at the end of the ribbon.
Take your gold elastic and wrap it around the ring. After that, cut the gold elastic and tuck its end inside the ribbon and finish it by securing with a small drop of glue.
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Go big and bold with this ribbon wrapped ring and you can also do it for your friends as a gift or a souvenir.
Kstylick Editor: Jenny
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