[Perfume] Health Benefits of Wearing Perfume

 Image Source:Foxnews.com

Time has proven that perfume is an important staple and it's popularity continually grows each year. A lot of people enjoy as they wear perfume and this enjoyment comes from both noticed and unnoticed benefits that wearing perfume provides.

1. Wearing perfume helps us enjoy life and be more positive

The effect of perfume on our brain is mostly unnoticed but the effects are evident. Every scent that enters the nasal passages emits molecules that reach our olfactory epithelium which has receptor neurons covered by hair called cilia. Cilia records the scent and sends a message to our brain.

According to studies, having the ability to smell brings positive impacts. Experiments show that a person without a sense of smell have a less happy life than those who can smell.

 Image Source: Yehcenter.com

2. Relaxes your Mood

 Wearing perfume can relax your mood because certain scents contain aldehydes that have calming effect on the brain such as eucalyptus and citronella.

Lavander and bergamot are scents which aid in restful sleep, reduces anxiety and tension that results to a wealth of health benefits.

3. Improves concentration

Ingredients in creating perfume like ginger, sandalwood and rose are scientifically proven to enhance concentration and mood according to aromatherapists and aromacologists. They have a stimulating effect on brain neurons granting extra stamina and energy, a more focused studying and an improved immune system.

 Image Source: Hubpages.com

4. High self esteem

Many psycologists state that perfume has a social relevance, because it tells something about the wearer. Some people believe that wearing perfume makes them feel fresh, attractive and more confident.

Perfume is considered as a luxury rather than a necessity but with these benefits, we could understand the reason behind it's popularity. The next time you decide whether to buy or not to buy a perfume, think about these things.

Kstylick Editor: Apple

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