[Fitness] Why We Need To Exercise?

Exercise is an important part of a lifetime of good health

Exercising is fun and is something you can do with friends. Regular exercise provides both mental and physical health benefits.

Image Source: oneheart.me

Benefits of exercise

One of the great things about exercise is that it can improve your mental health. Regular exercise can help you feel less stressed and it can improve your self-esteem. Exercise can also improve your overall mood. Did you have an argument with a friend? Or did you do poorly on a test? A workout at the gym or a brisk 30-minute walk will make your brain produce chemicals that will make you happier and more relaxed than before you started working out.

Image Source: www.summarizedreading.com

What if you’re having trouble sleeping? Again, it’s exercise to the rescue! Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and into a deeper sleep.

Another great thing about exercise is that it can keep your body healthy. Exercise makes your bones solid, improves your heart and lungs, and makes your muscles strong.

Exercise can also affect specific diseases that affect adolescents and teens. New research shows that teens who exercise regularly (about 60 minutes of brisk exercise each day) burn more calories and use blood sugar more efficiently than teens who don’t exercise. This could protect you from developing type 2 diabetes.

Fitness basics

You need to exercise for about 60 minutes every day. Setting aside 60 minutes all at once each day is one way to get in enough exercise. If you wait until the end of the day to squeeze it in, you probably won’t exercise enough or at all.

Image Source: myfitbasics.com

Types of exercise

Aerobic exercise - Aerobic activities are those in which young people regularly move their muscles. Running, hopping, skipping, jumping rope, swimming, dancing, and biking are all examples of aerobic activity.

Image Source: www.indianexpress.com

Muscle-strengthening exercise - Muscle-strengthening activities make muscles do more work than usual. This is called “overload” and it makes your muscles stronger. Climbing trees, yoga, rock climbing, lifting weights, or working with resistance bands are all muscle-strengthening exercises It increases your strength and builds stronger muscles.

Image Source: health.howstuffworks.com

Bone-strengthening exercise - Bone-strengthening activities push on your bones and help them grow and be strong. This push usually comes from impact with the ground. Running, jumping rope, basketball, tennis, and hopscotch are all bone-strengthening exercises. (These exercises can also be aerobic and muscle-strengthening.)

Image Source: blogs.centrictv.com

Kstylick Editor: Jenny

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