[Clio] Clio Kill Cover Highest Wear Pact

 Clio Kill Cover Highest Wear Pact

 Clio Kill Cover Highest Wear Pact

Clio Kill Cover Highest Wear Pact makes you look perfect, even with no camera filters! It's six different shades give you effects like no other compact can. Petal and Lingerie give you a blooming effect by making your skin tone a bit lighter and rosier. Linen and Ginger give you a natural effect, accentuating your natural skin color while covering up your blemishes. Sand and Ten give you a healthy effect, like sun-kissed, glowing skin.

Lots of love,

*Link may not lead to product if it is no longer available.

1 개의 댓글:

  1. Wow! It's beauty :)

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