[Beauty] The Truth About Skincare

A lot of skin myths have been circulating for centuries but have you ever heard about some surprising ways to get great skin? Skin Care can be quite tricky because it actually depends on your skin type. Plus there are some beauty tips that contradict one or two of the good skin advices you may have heard elsewhere.

Image Source: oprah.com

Let's separate the fact from fiction, ladies! Here are some of the tried and tested skin rules that really work for all skin types.
1. What matters most for healthy skin is not what you put on it, but what you eat!

Image Source:womenshealthmag.co.uk

A healthy skin diet consists of lots of water, green tea, fruits, vegetables, little to no alcohol and plenty of sweat-drenching exercises like yoga or pilates to make your skin glow from within.

2. You don't need to wash your face with hot water to get it clean!

Image Source: pixshark.com

To get the job done just wash with lukewarm to room temperature water. Sometimes hot water can cause redness, irritation and drying on the skin on the face and body which makes it even more likely to get acne or allergies.
3. Oil is good for your skin, not bad!

Image Source: brit.co

Didn't we learn for our great grandmothers already? Vegetable-based oils are one of the most old school and effective ways of moisturizing. For beginners, use argan or sea buckthorn oils that have lighter lipids. For naturally moisturized skin, use coconut oil, olive oil or sesame oil to wash your face or simply slather it on after showering.

4. You don't need to scrub to exfoliate!

Image Source: stylecraze.com

Force scrubbing with store-bougth facial scrubs can be too harsh for most skin types. So instead of using chemically formulated ones in a tube, do it naturally with fruits! We recommend leaving on fresh mangoes, mashed strawberries or pineapple chunks on your face for a few minutes to let all the fruit acid AHAs settle in then rinse off. However, take note of allergies and this may be a little too much for extra sensitive skin.

5. Chocolate doesn't cause acne, but bread and pasta might!

Image Source: stuffpoint.com

Oopsies! Why? There have been conclusive studies that bread and pasta are high-glycemic foods that are linked to skin breakouts. So cut on the carbs, ladies!

Beauty Nut,
Paige xx

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