[Perfume] Check If Your Perfume is Poison

Image Source: Allvoices.com

Do you know if your perfume contains "poison"? This season, we might want to thoroughly think about buying fragrances at the department store on our New Year's to-buy list.

But the big question is..... WHY???

Among all the ingredients listed on our perfume or daily products, there's a little word taken lightly by most of us - that word is "fragrance". Fragrance doesn't always mean that it is something good for you especially when we talk about synthetic perfume.

We investigated what the word "fragrance" really meant and to our surprise, it is defined as an "undisclosed" mix of scent ingredients that is commonly used as a fragrance dispersant. It is most associated to dermatitis, respiratory distress, different allergies and even harsh effects on the reproductive system.

The sad truth about this is that the FDA allowed some perfume companies to hold fragrance ingredients from their labels. The good news? We're here to inform you about a few violating fragrance ingredients that are listed on labels:

Image Source:Freeyoungmen.com
• Parabens
A chemical normally used as synthetic preservatives in the cosmetic world for its bactericidal and fungicidal properties. However, they can cause allergies and can interfere with the release and production of hormones.

• Phthalates
Commercial perfumes contain a high percentage of this chemical. Too much exposure to this chemical can cause liver and kidney damages, birth defects, reduce sperm count for males and breast cancer for females. This chemical can also be found in antiperspirants.

• Synthetic Musks
Based on numerous studies, synthetic musks or white musks can greatly ruin hormones. The skin automatically absorbs white musks and the thing that gave us chills about this chemical is that it can be spread in different parts of the body: tissues, fat, blood and breast milk.

With these chemicals named for your own good. Start the year right by choosing the best perfume. And the best perfume aren't those with the best aroma - they are the ones who would ensure your safety while smelling great.

Kstylick Editor: Apple

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