[Beauty] What's Your Skin Type?

The single most effective and no-brainer way towards complexion perfection is to determine your skin type. If you don't know your own skin, chances are you won't be able to take proper care of your face and you've been buying the wrong set of skincare. Unfortunately, this can lead to clogged pores, irritation or breakouts which leave nasty blemishes and dark spots on your skin.

Image Source: beautythroughstrength.com

So today, I'll be sharing a simple skin type test in 3 easy steps:

1. Wash your face with a facial cleanser and then pat your face dry.
2. Avoid touching your face while waiting for 1 hour to let your skin go back to its normal state.
3. Take 5 separate pieces of facial tissue and press it onto each of these face parts: nose, forehead, chin and both cheeks.

When you're done, examine the 5 pieces of tissue for oil and flaky skin residue.

5 Skin Types:

1. Normal
  • Very little to no oil and flaky skin residue on all 5 pieces of tissue
  • Never looks or feels too oily or too dry
  • Has visible pores that are not clogged up with oil
  • Does not get irritated easily
  • Feels smooth after cleansing
  • Less skin problems or breakouts

2. Oily

  • Oily residue on all 5 pieces of tissue
  • More likely to breakout
  • Has large visible pores
  • Feels greasy and looks shiny

3. Combination
  • Oily residue on only some pieces of the tissue
  • T-zone (forehead, chin and nose) is oily
  • More likely to get breakouts on T-zone

4. Dry
  • No oil but with flaky skin residue on all 5 pieces of tissue
  • Skin feels usually tight after cleansing
  • Seldom gets breakouts

5. Sensitive
  • Skin is dry, feels tight and easily irritated by regular skincare products
  • Usually red, scaly and itchy
  • Only gets breakouts in certain areas

Kstylick Editor: Paige

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