[Stylenanda] Eyelet Plaid Tube Bikini

Eyelet Plaid Tube Bikini

Eyelet Plaid Tube Bikini

Eyelet Plaid Tube Bikini

Eyelet Plaid Tube Bikini

Eyelet Plaid Tube Bikini

Eyelet Plaid Tube Bikini by Stylenanda

The bikini top is made from a plaid print fabric, it's a bandeau neckline with removable straps. Halterneck style to lift and enhance the cleavage. It also has soft cups with a frill trim. And the bikini bottom get a feminine edge from its ruffle design. Eyelet ruffle trim along the soft cups of the top and around the bottom lend a feminine edge.

Kstylick Editor: Justin

*Link may not lead to product if it is no longer available.

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  1. I'm LOVING your blog so much~ This bikini is beyond adorable. I'm your newest follower via google (195) and bloglovin (60). I'd love it if you could check out my blog and follow me back as well! Also, if you'd like to keep in touch via FB or twitter, just do so and let me know so I can follow back =)

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