[Storets] Polka Dot Denim and Lace Dress

Polka Dot Denim and Lace Dress

Polka Dot Denim and Lace Dress

Polka Dot Denim and Lace Dress

Polka Dot Denim and Lace Dress

This polka dot denim and lace dress is equal parts casual cool, girly and fun! Features an elastic cinched waist, soft ruffled skirt, lace shoulders on a polkadot print denim. Pair it with red canvas lace-up sneakers for a laidback and comfy yet super chic summer ensemble!

Kstylick Editor: Piper

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1 개의 댓글:

  1. Such a pretty dress!
    Just came across your blog and am now following.

    Xo, Elsa
    Mix and Match the F word



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