[Miamasvin] Marbled Knit Socks

Marbled Knit Socks

Marbled Knit Socks

Marbled Knit Socks

Marbled Knit Socks by Miamasvin.

These socks are knitted with yarn that has different colors mixed that give the socks a marbled look.  These keep your feet warm in the winter and are stylish as well.  They're perfect to wear with boots or peaking out with sneakers.  And if you happen to take your shoes off while you're out, your feet still look cute!

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2 개의 댓글:

  1. These are so cute! My mom made these for my 2 year old. :)

    Mia, Denver Car Accident Lawyer

    1. your kid is lucky to have a grandmother who knits awesome things!



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